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Hannah Aaron created this site for HIS 460: History of Rock N' Roll. She first thought about looking more deeply into music festivals after reading an article about Lilith Fair. This article made her think back over the course of the semester, and she realized that music festivals were often a topic of discussion. She began researching American music festivals by visiting many websites, looking over articles and the textbook assigned for class, and reading library-held ebooks. Through these sources, she narrowed her focus to festivals that seemed the most iconic or that were mentioned in multiple pieces. For a more historical perspective, she often looked at the first incarnation of a festival as these seemed to be the most telling in regards to the historical atmosphere in which they began. Subsequent annual festivals, while having their own value, often seemed to ride on the success of their predecessors rather than springing from a cultural moment. By looking at the historical context of the chosen festivals along with the general desire for community expressed in the creation of festivals themselves, she composed her analysis. This site was completed on December 5, 2018.


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